Depending on how you feel about Christmas music arranged for mixed ability orchestra, you'll want to either seek out or avoid Lion Yard between 12.40 and 1.20 on Sunday, specifically the bridge outside New Look where the Monkey Academies Federation Orchestra will be playing to open the festive shopping season.
I'll definitely be there, or at a coffee stand in earshot, if only to watch Spider sightread. What with Dido and sixth form college open evenings, he's been to exactly 0 school orchestra rehearsals.
Connaisseurs of monkey orchestral manoeuvres will be wondering how much notice we had of this performance. Were we give the date
A) this morning?
B) over a month ago?
C) yesterday?
D) when we happened to see a poster advertising the event?
The correct answer is A,B and C.
A by email to parents;
B in the calendar on the school website--unfortunately it was the wrong date (by a week) but it's the thought that counts;
C for Squirrelmonkey who heard it at orchestra practice last night and told us when we stumbled home exhausted from the Hills Rd open evening, by which time he'd forgotten anything more detailed than 'Sunday'.
D is obviously wrong because Lion Yard don't print flyers. That's only when they play in Mill Rd Cemetery.
For a more organised, more musical, and generally superior listening experience, you could catch the monkeyboys singing with Cantiamo! at St Giles' church, Castle Hill, Sunday evening at 7.00.
Oh, and I think you need an invite for this one (which I don't have), but if you're at the Mayor's Reception at the new Botanic Garden building, you can hear monkeys singing with Cantiamo! tonight.