May 25, 2009 21:39
Stopped at the Lamar/Koenig Half Price after knitting. Carried in my slingbag as usual. Politely told the geek behind the counter that I wasn't going to entrust him with my insulin kit, my insulin crash kit, or my wallet - "sorry guy, this is my purse" and headed for the knitting section. And heard trailing after me in sarcastic tones "Have fun with that then..."
Turned around, told him I resented the implication that because I would nott *give him my purse* he assumes I'm a shoplifter, and left.
Yes, retail wageslaves, I know it is an automatic assumption that any person with a bag is a shoplifter. As a customer I usually make the same assumption of others when I see them loose with bags. But FFS keep your sarcastic comments to yourself.