October really flew by, didn't it? What's happening to fall?!
October books
Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe, Bryan Lee O'Malley
Insatiable, Meg Cabot - Usually I'm a big fan of Meg Cabot, but this one didn't really do it for me, although I couldn't really tell you why. I think I just didn't like the main character that much.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, JK Rowling
Flatland, Edwin Abbot - Interesting concept, but the book really annoyed me. Neil Gaiman recently wrote about worldbuilding, something to the point of, you can't just come right out and tell everything about your world in the first chapter, then get to the plot. Well, that's basically what this book did. Plus some sexism, classism, and moments of outright stupidity by the characters, which really just made this book annoying to read. But, you know, interesting concept.
Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, Bryan Lee O'Malley - Finally finished all the books, just in time for the movie to be completely gone from the theatres :(
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, JK Rowling - Decided I was going to re-read all the books before the movie. Got this far, and decided I'd need to jump right to the 7th if I've any hope of finishing it before the premiere.