Accentuate the positive!

Jan 02, 2008 15:59

I had a bit of a sleepless night last night. I was awake until about 3.30 fretting about going back to work after such a lovely few days off. One of the other things worrying me was the fear that I'd lost a lot of dolly shoes!
I took a bag full with me visiting my Mum - and they didn't seem to get back!! I
recall putting them into a random carrier bag but they weren't unpacked. I thought they had accidentally been thrown away or lost forever! *sigh*
- then I heard from Mark that he'd found the bag of shoes under the seat of the car!! Hooray!!
*Yipee!* That made my day. I hope it's not weird to celebrate not losing stuff!

I'm trying to be positive, you see!!
Edit: Found shoes!!!

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