Night care

Oct 12, 2009 17:23

"Shouldn’t we push another 2.5cc?"

"Calliope-medicating for convenience is hardly ethical." whispered Arizona. "It is critical that we intervene as little as possible. We need to have a low key approach"

"He is clearly in pain," huffed Calliope.

Both doctors turned towards their patient who was lying on the bed. A small face crumpled into a wail. Arizona sighed. She looked at the clock on the wall above them. 3am. This call could go on for a couple of hours from her recent experience. Three consecutive nights on shift were taking their toll.

She needed to pace herself, but sleep-addled she knew that she was not planning as effectively as she was accustomed. Being second-guessed by her girlfriend wasn’t helping either. Calliope had offered to help. Arizona conceded that somehow her girlfriend seemed fresher and was possibly making a better assessment. Putting her professional pride aside, she nodded slightly. Taking this prompt, Callie found the smallest syringe and handed it to Arizona.

"Ok, little man. This is going to help you feel so much better. It tastes like strawberry Jell-o."

Wide brown eyes shimmered over with tears. The small child supported on several white pillows snuffled and waved one hand in front of his face.

"Your Mama tells me that strawberry Jell-o is your favourite flavour."

Arizona placed a cool hand to the side of the reddening cheek and slipped in the syringe. She smiled encouragingly and her gentle blue orbs stilled the toddler’s fussing. A short blink, the medicine was administered, and Arizona left his mother to pick him up.

"Well, Mama, it looks like we have done the very most to make him comfortable."

"I’ll take him to the nursery to settle him."

Calliope took their son into his bedroom. While Arizona slipped back under the warm coverlet on their bed, she could hear a pantomime monologue faintly from the room next door.

"Night night Tiger." Gruff voice, "night, night Peter," "Night night Big Bear," Low grumble, "night, night Peter". Giggling. "Night night Daisy". Lowing, "Moo-night, Peter" "Night, night teddies. Say night night to the teddies, Peter."

As Arizona drifted off she thought to herself, she was always the one; she does the voices better.

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