An amendment to my
dorks in hoodies picspam.
How did I miss this pic of Zach Braff? customary extra points for wearing the hood.
Hugh Dillon in Down to the Bone. In
china_shop's words: "all hot and manipulative and hot and wearing a hoodie and hot and lying and really really hot".
Hugh caps by
jcjoeyfreak Some guy called Brendon Urie, courtesy of
utterfrivolity. He's wearing a pink hoodie, so he gets about fifty points right there. PINK. A pink hoodie. *adores*
And while I'm here, some Youtube links.
In keeping with recent picspam distractions,
Seth Green and Nick Brendon gropage. An oldie but a goodie.
David Tennant and Jessica Hynes learning the waltz. Guh, hot.