Apr 28, 2007 13:27
Hey there my favourite sonnet until now from Shakespeare has always been Sonnet 130 My Mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun but after this unit and the whole issue of the soul and thoughts of dying and heaven I am more connect to 146. I was inspired to write this poem from Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 146”.
Boken Soul
My image has broken my soul.
I endure great pain and heartache everyday,
For hours I decorate my outward expressions,
So I can appear to look and feel tops.
But why go through all this pain
Knowing that one day I will breakdown.
O’ my wounded soul forget what beauty people look at.
Forget the surface of my looks.
True beauty lies within.
If you heal me, my misery will disappear and happiness will prevail.
like a free snail
O wounded soul,
Beauty comes with a price,
My inner beauty is now at huge cost.
Bring back my soul,
Make my life once again whole, whole with God.
This sonnet addresses issues of underlying mortality and existence. It also looks at the theme of the spiritual and the physical which are things Shakespeare feels humans seem to confuse and often prioritise the physical over the spiritual when really the spirit can often mean more than the body. I mean the whole idea of your soul being the only thing reaching heaven is what I see in this sonnet and the fact that Shakespeare is saying the body will never be perfect enough to reach heaven so you should look after your soul. I so agree with Shakespeare! Even though I like clothes and try to follow a good diet. I believe it is what is inside that counts. It sounds so cliche but you could be the nicest person and not have everything in life but in essence you do! By being good to others you are being good to God and in turn as us Christians say you will be sipping bacardis in heaven with God!
Sonnet 146 makes me think of the idea of forgiveness and being wounded and broken inside and the idea that God will heal. The other day a work friend of mine and I were discussing the whole idea of death and how people should be preparing themselves for their end of existence. This lady Susan lost her son who was just 8 years old in August last year and she is currently writing a book about Danny and the way she lost him and how to deal with death. She was telling me about the whole experience and I asked her if she was okay and expressed my admiration towards her strength and she told me her vision. She said when Danny died she saw Jesus come and take him up to a new, beautiful garden and at that instant she knew she had done her job she had raised her son to live a good life in order to reach eternity with God.
I suddenly smiled usually I cry when Susan tells me about her son but I too knew her son was fine because he made it, made it to heaven. I then thought about my life and this is what Ivan Illych and this sonnet do they make you reevaluate your whole existence and the worth of your life...