Jan 08, 2007 15:59

hey there it has been months since I last wrote in here but I want to get this thing started again before I start uni and yes its back to Mg's class I have to still take the 19th century lit course lucky me!

To start 2007 I stole this off nike aka victory_85 to plan out my year:

*Did you regret anything in 2006?

yes. I let a lot slip out of my hands and didn't take control enough!

*Did you love someone in 2006?


*Did you lose someone in 2006?


*Did you hate someone in 2006?


*Do you still hate that someone?

Yes, I know I shouldn't I have no choice they make me mad. I'm trying not to hate but to seek revenge

*Did you make new friends?

Yes. I wouldn't of made it through the year without them to be honest!

*Did you hurt someone in 2006?


*Did someone hurt you?


*What did you learn in 2006?

I learnt so much in 2006. I learnt that teenage boys will always make fun of foreign movies. That I need to be a stronger and gustier person and stop being the carefree, trod along Aquarian that I am. I learn being late annoys a lot of people. And that sometimes family is not everything sometimes friends can be more of a help and support.

* Did you embarrass yourself in 2006?

sometimes! The usual walking into a shop door in Liverpool was a memorable one!

*How much money did you spend?

Too much

*Did you do anything you are ashamed of?

I have learnt not to be ashamed of anything fuck em!

Did you fall for someone?

Yes.I fell deeper for this someone

*Would you change anything?

Yes only to make what I have stronger

*Favourite moment of the year?
Amix of our trip to idol and the day at bundeena with my man

*What have you got planned for 2007?

get through my last year of uni get to melbourne get marie pissed my 21st at crown casino and a whole lot of fun and exciting times being the kid I love being

I also want to lose 8 kilos and get more healthy eating habits! 
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