Jun 06, 2010 09:29
So the events of the last week are simple.
The Water Heater stopped working on Wednesday. The second time in the last year I've spent part of Winter without a consistent supply of hot water to my home. I called Alinta up about it but didn't have the Water Heater model so I had to ring them up on Thursday with the WH model. The attendant said she'd call me back in 20 minutes with when the plumber would be here. On Friday I called them again because I hadn't been called back and they had to call the technical department again. This time they got back to me, only to tell me that the plumber couldn't do anything about it until Tuesday :(.
Yesterday I got the laptop back.
OK, Now someone un-named who has been my friend for some time before the debacle earlier this year we called a "relationship" up and unfriended me on both LJ and FB. I know I've been paying little to no attention to anyone on FB but it wasn't precisely directed and as far as I know I haven't given her any reason to unfriend me. It seems a step beyond dropping a "relationship" to just declare "not a friend" without even giving an explanation. So if I've been a little depressed this past month it just got made worse. Still she must have reason for it.
So I went to Sin last night. While not enthusiastic about all the music I did dance a little.