voting is for jerks

Feb 12, 2008 09:32

We apparently failed to change our address with the voter registration board and didn't notice that we didn't get the three notices on voting.. so while we were registered, we were labeled "inactive"... still can vote, but it's a major pita.  And the election judges had no idea how to handle us.  My husband somehow got a normal voting card but I had to fill out papers, sign away my firstborn, and jump through hoops to fill out a paper ballot (which likely won't get counted, I bet, unless things are close).  Strange.  Whatever.. civic duty done and all.  Once again, there was only electioneering for a single major candidate and only from a certain party... I can't decide if it's cool to live among like-minded folks or sad that we are all the same.

I was amazed at the number of jerks at the polling place.  It's a new location, as the last one was often pretty crowded, and there are a lot of new condos in the neighborhood.  So sure, I expected some growing pains.  Well, the lines were pretty long!  Like, 45+ minutes long.  C'est la vie, right?  It's threatening to snow, so I imagine lots of people don't want to deal with voting + weather later.

Only the jerks!  Who thought we DESERVE BETTER!  One guy came in and immediately started placing (numerous!) calls to the county election board.  That this was unacceptable, that we were already escaping overcrowding, and blahblahblah.  Somehow he got some judge to come out and see the crowding, it seemed.  On his cell phone, disrupting everyones sleepiness.  When he got to the front of the line, he immediately needed the chief judge, and introduced himself as some self-important neighborhood something-or-other.  I will remember his name so that I never end up voting for him.

I mean, really... what are people going to do? It's not like anyone can fix this TODAY!  Would it be possible for you not to annoy people by talking on your cell? Would it hurt to wait until you got to the office? Cell phones should be banned! Bah.

Anyhow, felt sorry for the judges... glad that they are wasting a day of their lives to help people out in a thankless job.  YAY JUDGES!
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