YAY!!!!! TONY JUST CAME OVER AND SAID BYE TO ME! aww man i can barely see im crying! but im so happy he came over...that really just made my day. whew i rarely cry but wow!
Re: i'm the $hitwooky4feefeeAugust 14 2004, 02:08:39 UTC
GOOD COFFEE YES. ahh your dog is sooo cute! im writing my song at the moment...its actually beautiful..classical and beautiful, and im learning how to play fantasie-impromptu..in c sharp? yea its gonna take me over 6 months..so fast...so many double sharps and flats...so pretty! you should download it :)
Re: i'm the $hitemokidtothemaxAugust 14 2004, 02:16:33 UTC
very nice...i want to hear your song...i played a song...violin...that took a year and half...like actualy working on it...crazy...i hate double sharps and flats...you can always write those parts out with what the note is...cus they just do that cus of theory...but then again you wont be able to read double flats n sharps naturaly...oh well...i will download it...my moms buying me a bunch of softwear for my bday...fun
I'm the shit bitch!wooky4feefeeAugust 14 2004, 02:22:08 UTC
cool...yea the one song that took me like 3 weeks is hella long but not hard..fantasia in d minor...but this one im gonna learn is so hard..and like im retarded cus theres an F# in the key signature but its marked with the X..so im like ok..sharp natural sharp..so its still an F#? i confused myself and theres like 4 of them per measure lol..dammit. yea download it! will is awesome
Re: I'm the shit bitch!wooky4feefeeAugust 14 2004, 02:36:21 UTC
lol aww how nice...yea isnt that confusing? like i dont know what note to play..an f natural or sharp cus its a sharp in the key sig. but its marked with a double sharp...so i'll need to figure that out..like its so fast that i cant tell what note it is listening to it..but im about to leave to go get coffee and then to the fire station to see my dad..so ill talk to you when i get back! love you will! bye :)
---The $hit____
I'm a playaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
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