Sep 19, 2011 13:36
I find dolls creepy. I wish people would lj-cut them or something because, seriously, their dead eyes just staring at you creeps me right the fuck out. Add in when people dress them up and take them out as if they're actual babies? *shudders*
Speaking of LJ-cuts... I defriended a bunch of people lately for sheer insane assholeness.
I hate people who think it's a-ok to blame the victim of rape/domestic violence/etc because they stayed in the situation. Here's a hint, when someone's beating the shit out of you but it's not a choice the victim is making because they don't think they have a choice. So get the fuck off your high horse, you fucking cuntrag doucheface bitches and shut the fuck up about shit you don't know fuckall about. Until you're constantly ducking the punches and listening to a repetitive litany of your faults and how you'll never get out of there and you don't deserve any better, you don't get to talk to me or anyone about how it's their choice so they're complicit in their victimization. I repeat - you don't know fuckall about how it happens and how it feels to be stuck there. Instead, you're just a bunch of misogynistic little speshul snowflake womenhating assholes who happen to be female. And, yeah, maybe a bit of pent-up hostility there.
I also defriended a few people that decided that it's awesome to be into slash but how dare anyone want marriage equality or to have gaybashing as a hate crime. Fuckers. So you think it's hot when two guys/gals go at it but Lord Forbid if they want to be treated as equal humans, eh? And... off the flist.
What is up with the insanity and lack of empathy/sympathy/humanity lately?