Avatar: The Last Airbender

Jun 30, 2010 21:37

I'm not going to see Avatar: The Last Airbender just due to its casting racefail. I'd made the decision a long time ago, we're talking before Azkatraz and I'm sticking to it. I won't be buying a ticket for another movie and sneaking in and I won't be seeing it illegally. I'm going to ignore that it exists because the fail is so fucking strong. That's not to mean I will ignore the fail. I won't. But I refuse to waste hours of my life on such a fail-filled movie.

That being said, I'm sort of enjoying the reviews. Not only is it filled with fail in the casting but it turns out that those colorblind-cast actors (yanno, the absolute best for the job without regards to the heritage) are absolutely dismal.

Shyamalan lets his unimpressive special effects do the work for him while coaxing performances from his young cast that make Jake Lloyd’s performance in The Phantom Menace look studied.


Best for the job wutwat? Oh, I'm certain you couldn't have found a better actor or actress anywhere.

Then there's the supposed horrific 3D, the supposed awful special effects and the lambasted exposition filled voiceovers. All in all, nope. Not wasting my time. I'd rather watch any other movie, even the A-Team. My free-time is in short supply and I really do not need to waste my time on this. Now I don't even need to feel like I'm missing a thing. As of now, the reviews are at 4% positive on Rotten Tomatoes (which is mostly down right now, as well).

And now? To sleep for a bit before leaving to head back to Tucson. My visit to the Midwest is over and I'm tres sad about it. Plane rides and then shuttles and then home to my dogs. And heat. Lots of lovely, lovely heat.

thoughts on..., misc, eeeewwwwww, movies

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