Ramble, Ramble, Ramble

May 02, 2010 23:00

I keep opening this post window, trying to think of something interesting but, alas and woe, I'm stuck on "I'm really tired all the fucking time" and "Dear Lord but my jobs are sucking my soul".

I'm going on vacation on Thursday, so that should be interesting, fun and relaxing. I get to see best_of_five and meet her mum and sleep on her couch as I'm off to Raleigh-Durham. Anyone in the area interested in a meet-up so best_of_five can have plenty of bonding time with her mum without me tagging along like an awkward and intrusive third wheel?

My main job had their major special event recently and you haven't had a crazy experience until you see a bunch of rich, old white people (in formal wear!) dancing to Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre singing "bow wow wow". Lulz.

I spent my evening watching Schnidler's List as I have an exam on it... err, tomorrow. I love that movie, don't get me wrong, but I was certainly not in the mood to watch it.

I drove up to Phoenix to visit IKEA and, just like every fucking time I go up to Phoenix, there was a ginormous accident that took 3 hours to get around. IDK what it is about that one spot on I-10 but there've been way too many fatal accidents along there. Freaking dust storms come out of nowhere and blow across the road and no one practices safe driving for it. Hell, same spot had such a major accident that it was featured on all the national news channels here in the US.

I've been getting acupuncture. I'm needle-phobic but as long as I can't see the needle, it seems to be going well. The acupuncturist also started cupping and I'm bruising like a mofo from it. I've been taking different vitamins and herbs and that seems to be helping with the exhaustion. TBH, I think the exhaustion is due to 2.5 years of working 80 hours a week but that's just me. I'm going down to one shift a week starting in June.

I sent the IRS/State of Arizona my direct deposit information so, of course, they mailed checks. Thus, no new computer for me to go to Raleigh with. Considering that my keyboard doesn't work on my current laptop and this sucks DONKEY BALLS.

I have already read 46 new books this year. Alas, I'm only at 19 movies. I have multiple reviews to post.

I went for my first pedicure in 3 years and omg, so good.

I went white water rafting. It was absolutely gorgeous and fun, even when our boat lost half the occupants in a class 4 rapid. My mum ended up going through most of the class 4 on her back, in the water, about 100 yards behind the boat. I sort of maybe totally panicked for a few minutes trying to find my mum in the water. In my defense, I did keep enough peace of mind to hold on to a coworker as she was one of the ejected ones, as well. So, I do well in a crisis but I still fixate on saving my mum. As it should be.

My state has gone crazy with shitloads of crazy that are currently spewing all over the state. On behalf of sane Arizonans, I apologize and would like to remind you that we're not all racist bigots and that we did not elect our governor but plz to be continuing the boycotts and protests. Every little bit helps to get these things repealed.

How're all of you? What's new?

rambling, personal, politics, only in arizona, work

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