Fic: I Knead You (A Bakery AU) Part 7: Kirk/McCoy, Scotty/Gaila, Spock/Uhura

Mar 31, 2010 21:52

Title: I Knead You (A Bakery AU)
Section Title: Dates
Authors: wook77 and elanorofcastile
Pairing: Kirk/McCoy with sides of Spock/Uhura, Scotty/Gaila and Chekov/Sulu.
Wordcount: ~3600
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Present Day AU
Summary: Kirk invites McCoy for a nooner. Uhura gets Spock out into public. Scotty gets to attend game times with the rest of Chez Enterprise. Contains shenanigans between Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura and Scotty/Gaila.
A/N: Betaed by djin7 who is seriously the most amazing person for putting up with wook77: The Comma Hater and elanorofcastile: The Fastest Tense-Switcher East of the Mississippi. She deserves kudos and love showered upon her.

Part 6

( Dates )

slash, kirk/bones, star trek, fic

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