Day 9: moar about the strike

Nov 09, 2009 23:08

I think it's absolutely ridiculous that the workers have to picket their own union to get heard. SO MUCH ANNOYANCE. Also annoyance? A fucking lockout. Yanno, there are a bunch of us (including almost all of my department) that are not union, think the contract offered is fair and would really like to keep our job.

Found out today that it looks like I will "probably" be able to keep my insurance even if we get locked out so they can't deny me insurance. "Probably".

The union is now posturing and claiming that employees that show up at union offices are either "management in disguise" or sent there by management. Cause, yanno, there aren't fuckloads of us that say that we want to keep our jobs.

I'm all for unions but not this one. Not with refusing phone calls. Not with refusing emails. Not with fighting for the asshole that wrecked a forklift while ignoring the woman that needed FMLA. Not with their posturing and their "my dick is bigger than yours so I won't even consider your newest offer". And especially not with the *patpat* mentality where they're patting their members on the head and saying "we know what's best for you". You don't.

Union rep finally came into the store today (first time since the store opened about 2 years ago) and tried to lecture me on why salary caps are bad and how making employees pay for insurance was bad. Dude. So I finally did get to do the whole "schooling" thing as I pointed out what my main job offers, how it compares to here and why the union is acting like a bunch of entitled little babies. Only a little more politely :D. It skimmed right off him and he blew me off but I felt totally better about the whole situation.

Thus concludes my nablopomo post for the day :D. Tomorrow? Sesame Street :D

rant, work

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