I stole this icon and I'm not at all ashamed

Sep 10, 2009 22:18

Interviewing process: Still interviewing people. Have three more interviews tomorrow. Out of 8 people, I sort of liked 2 of them. They didn't wow me but they didn't horrify me, either. One woman reminded my favorite coworker and myself of Marisa Tomei's character in My Cousin Vinny - big hair, ridiculous shoes, way too much perfume, awful sweater dress. She even had a bit of an accent. And she was pushy as all fuck, making salary demands and adjustments to our benefits package and shit. One guy, he was so nice but I'd eat him alive in about 5 minutes. He was very meek and skittish.

Work: closed the month in a shorter period than my boss has ever done it with 4 people. And I only had 2 of us. Take that. Also processed payroll, did interviews, did payables and a shitload of other special projects in there, as well. Who needs my boss anyway?

Life: I keep having the strangest dreams. Last night, I had the same dream 4 times. I was 2.5 months pregnant and I knew it was a girl. I decided I was going to name it "Mardigan Elizabeth". When my mother asked me why, I replied "because everyone should have a child named after a Val Kilmer character". WTF?! Cause, yanno, if you're going to name a baby girl anything, you should name her after Mad Mardigan from Willow. Oh dream logic, you so crazy.

Tonight was my only night off all this week. So rather than write or watch a movie, I've done 6 loads of laundry, stripped my bed, rotated my mattress, made my bed, cleaned the bathrooms (all 3 full baths), cleaned my room, alphabetized my books, and baked. Well, at least my productivity level has yet to flag. I plan on sleeping on Sunday. I can wait that long, right?

ETA: Awesome! I'm now caught up on commenting on all my tabs that I've had open for over a week. *happy dance at fandom productivity*

rambling, hiring and firing, random, personal, omgwtf?!, work

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