Title: Five Times Dean Drew Seamus
wook77Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Dean/Seamus
Rating: PG
Wordcount: ~600
Summary: The five times Dean drew Seamus.
A/N: Written for the prompt of the same name for
oconel. Unbeta'd.
1.) They're on the train, heading to Hogwarts that first year, and Seamus refuses to stop moving around. He's a bit like a monkey, all knobby knees and arms and jerky movements as he swings from perch to perch. Dean can't help but to grab his sketch pad and draw out a monkey with Seamus's face. He expects Seamus to be mad at him. What he doesn't expect is the way that Seamus swings an arm around his neck and then hoots like a monkey before picking through his hair. By the end of it, they're laughing so hard that they have tears. When they finally recover, Seamus doesn't move away, just keeps his arm around Dean's shoulders and leans in, whispering, "You're going to be my best mate."
2.) Dean's heart twists at the way that Seamus sits off to the side in the Common Room. He's got his books around him, plenty of parchment and quills, but it's obvious, at least to Dean, that Seamus is brooding. He's mad at something, probably the fact that Dean is supposedly taking Harry's side and joining Dumbledore's Army. Whatever it is, the expression on Seamus's face tugs at Dean until he sneaks up to their room and grabs his sketching supplies. Only charcoals will do to capture the emotion on Seamus's face, how he stares at nothing at all and wants something that Dean isn't sure about.
3.) He gets Seamus's letter and reads between the lines. It's not going so well at Hogwarts. He can't help the anger that he feels, though, towards the way that Seamus is upset. At least he has food and he's warm and not stuck in the fucking woods with the fucking rain and no fucking tent and no fucking fire because it takes too fucking long to break down either and both when he's fucking running for his fucking life. By the end of the yelling - and he has screamed it all to the trees, much to his dismay - he's sketched out Seamus lying in the dirt, holding his throat as he strangles. It's an appalling drawing and Dean quickly scuffs it out of existence with his foot.
4.) When Dean wakes up the morning after, he catches himself staring at the way that Seamus sleeps curled in on himself with his hand on Dean's bare chest. The differences in their skin tones strikes him and he reaches towards the beside table to pull out the sketchpad and a pencil. He barely sketches any of himself in the drawing. Instead, he concentrates on the way that Seamus's face is relaxed in sleep and his hand clutches at Dean's skin. When he's done, he quietly sets his pad back on the table and then wonders how, exactly, he can possibly tell Seamus that he's in love with him.
5.) It takes him a year to get the drawing just right. The fox scampers around a tree, sometimes hanging from a branch just like a monkey and sometimes, it curls in on itself at the base of the tree. Sometimes it shouts at the moon and sometimes it stares out at him and wonders where he's gone. By the time the tattoo artist gets it completely embedded and animated, Dean knows that this is exactly how he wants to tell Seamus. When they crawl into bed that night, Dean leaves the lights on and watches Seamus's face as he realises. "Oh Dean," Seamus breathes out before he touches it with questing fingers.
As always, I'd love to hear what you thought.