Went to see Watchmen on Sunday.
I didn't like it. There were so many things that weren't included that I thought were necessary and there were so many things included that I thought were unnecessary.
Like - the sex scene. I'm obviously no prude but, dude, why the fuck do we need to see ass muscles clenching when we could have the development of Veidt? I mean - Veidt appears to just be some schmuck that the Comedian bests in a war of words and then suddenly he's Teh Smurtest Man Evah. I really thought the sex could've been cut and the movie would've been MORE effective.
Also - Dr. Manhattan's dangling peen was distracting. I kept watching it jiggle instead of paying attention. I'd love to see how the animator of that sums it up on his resume.
The Mars scene was lame. It felt like an insertion to blatantly appeal to the girls that were dragged their by their boyfriends. "See? We have stuff for girls, too! Twu Wuv saves him and shows him his humanity!" Totally annoying and pandering IMHO.
The pacing was excellent. I liked Rohrschach more than I'd expected. More than that, I actually really liked the Comedian. The attempted rape scene was squirmy gross but actually tastefully done. I thought it was excellent. I thought the Comedian was just brilliant in this. So props to both of these.
All in all, though, I ended the movie very disappointed. 6 out of 10
All that and the new X-Men trailer wasn't in front of my movie. I got robbed twice :(