Title: See You in the Morning
wook77Pairing:: Dean/Seamus
Rating: G
100quills prompt: 032. Dream
Warnings: Canon compliant through DH. Pre-Epilogue.
Wordcount: ~350 words
Summary: Discoveries lead to obsessions lead to reunions.
A/N: set in the
Memories as a Teacupverse. Pre-MaaTC.
Sometimes… sometimes Seamus thinks that this neverending numbness won't ever go away. He's stuck with it. Every time things brighten, every time he thinks that this time, he's really truly honestly finally healing, something happens and he's slammed right back into the same misery or numbness. He prefers the numbness to the misery but that's sort of like asking Odysseus which he prefers, Scylla or Charybdis. Either one is a shite choice.
Then, one day, the numbness and the misery go away. For one brief, shining moment, Seamus feels love and happiness as he watches the man walk towards him. Before he realises that he's actually awake and not dreaming, the man is gone and the misery crashes over him, dragging him under as he rocks back and forth on the bench. He's there the entire day until the man walks towards him once more.
He's so afraid that he's hallucinating or dreaming that he doesn't say anything to the man that looks so much like Dean. Instead, he goes back the next day and then the next one after that. These short moments are completely and totally worth the pain that comes after.
The ability to pretend that the man is Dean (and what if he is? Oh God, what if he is? What if Seamus left him to suffer alone? What if he's been torturing himself needlessly all these years? What will he do? What can he do? Why doesn't Dean say anything? Why doesn't he say anything? What can he possibly say? What can he possibly do?) gets him through the day, buoys him up when the numbness or misery start to intrude.
"I think that's the first time I've seen you smile the entire time you've been in this department," his boss remarks one day and Seamus looks up from his paperwork. "What's got you so happy?"
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you," Seamus answers before looking at his watch and realising that it's just about time to have Dean walk back through the park. "I've a meeting."
"Sure thing. See you in the morning."
As always, I'd love to hear what you thought.