oh ew

Oct 01, 2008 20:32

Almost back home. Am stuck in the Phoenix airport for a two hour layover. How long would it take me to DRIVE to Tucson? 2 hours. US Airways wanted fifty bucks on the offchance that I might, just might, be able to take an earlier flight. Um, yeah, no.

My tour of soft surfaces is basically over. I had plenty of them and plenty of fun, too. The last flight was a bit awkward. I wrote about 16 pages in my journal but also had to have a weird convo with the very religious people next to me. They kept asking me what I was writing and when I was getting published and I didn't want to tell them that I was writing gay buttsex between wizards in the Harry Potter world. Thus, I said "I'm sort of writing a romance novel" cause it's true, right? There's romance or, at least, my version of romance which involves plenty of break-ups and angst and character death. But still! It has romance somewhere!

My iPod battery died mid-flight. The guy in front of me was an asshole who kept thrusting his chair back into my legs. Those that have met me will attest, I'm not the tallest person in the world. So just imagine what manuevering he had to do to nail me in the knees about 30 times. Then he stands up and steps on my foot. I was in so much pain that I couldn't breathe and so I tapped him on the hip and he glared at me. So I huffed, "foot. foot. FOOT!" and he finally looked down and then went "why are you touching me?" I'M TOUCHING YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE CRUSHING MY TOES UNDER YOUR BOOTS, ASSWIPE! MOVE YOUR FUCKING FOOT! (I might have said that out loud... though it might have been "move your motherfucking foot" but I can't remember due to the blur of pain.)

Also - there's this semi-creepy kid across from me. He keeps shifting positions and he's moaning. I'm sort of suspicious that he's wanking. I'm really skeezed right now. His shoes are off and his socks are pushed into his toes and omg. He just moaned again and his hand is definitely near his waist. EW EW EW DO NOT WANT!!! DO NOT WANT!!!! If I could do scrolly text, I would. DO NOT WANT STOP THAT YOU PERVERT! EWEWEWEW

Oh god. Not travelling again for a very long time.

Dear Tucson flight - plz to be hurrying and plz to not be having me sit next to the kid. Plz. Love, me

travelling, random, eeeewwwwww

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