Put under cuts so I don't bore you.
My foster dog is an unspayed female. Why should anyone care, you might ask. I'll tell you. You should care because I've spent the past 4 days keeping her and my neutered male apart. On Saturday night, the two of them got locked together. Cisco (my 15 lb terrier mix) finished his business and then started walking off, still attached to Nala (my shi tzu foster). The poor girl was like WTF and yelping. That was not fun. It was a slam-bam-not-even-a-thank-you-ma'am kinda screw. I felt dirty just seeing the after effects.
My ex-fiance was supposedly in town this past weekend to see me. He currently lives in San Francisco and he flew into town for Homecoming and to see me. He says, "I'll call you" on Thursday. Well, it's now Monday and still no fucking call. Asswipe. I actually cancelled plans so that I could open up my schedule to see him. Inconsiderate wanker. Instead, he sent me an IM today that said "sorry I forgot to call you, forgive me?" Yeah, cause that'll happen, jerk.
I knew there was a reason othere than his deportation that I dumped his sorry ass.
I get to go see GoF early. A friend of mine is a manager at a theatre and has volunteered to show GoF to a select number of employees and friends. This rocks for the following reasons:
a.) I get to see it early.
b.) I get to see it free.
c.) I get to fangirl the whole frikken time.
d.) I get to make slashy comments as this friend is the ONE person I've told about my writing/online hobby.
I now worship at your altar *wink*.
School? Wook's in school? You might ask yourself the previous questions and the answer would be, "why, yes, I should be in school." Why should? Because my academic counselor has my schedule so screwed up that I've been out of school since June and will not start back up until January now due to their screw ups. I'm finally, after 10 1/2 years, 4 freaking classes from finishing my bachelors. It's only taken 5 majors at three schools, but I'm almost there! GAH, why can't she fix my schedule so I can get done?
Finally, a couple of pimps...
star_dancer54 has some awesome icons
HERE! mmmm, mine.
tiredofwired has an unbelievably HOT drawing of Halloween!Harry
HERE! Check them out and show the love!
That's it, folks, enough of RL, back to your regularly scheduled H/D lives.