Seamus at
rpg_afterglow is Deanless - anyone interested? Email me? wook77[at]livejournal[dot]com.
nothing_goldrpg is running smoothly. This is completely and totally due to my co-mod there as I've been utterly useless for over a month. Finally got caught up, though. Thank the maker for responsible co-mods, I don't know where I'd be without her/them. Seriously, just too much love. In other rpg news - I'm really pulling back from how many games I'm participating in. Have been invited to a few but I'm content with
nothing_goldrpg, the post DH that I'm trying to get set up and afterglow, if I can find a dean.
Wanted: Someone reliable to help with coding when rounds open at
slashfest. Time commitment varies but normally the first few hours of the first day of either round (requesting and claiming) plus here and there as needed. Must be responsible and capable of doing what you say you're going to do when you say you're going to do it**. Familiarity with multiple fandoms is a plus. Ability to code definitely needed. Willingness to put up with moi necessary. Passive aggressive people need not apply. If interested, email me at wook77[at]livejournal[dot]com. EEO
Clowns vs the KKK Cooking with Pavarotti Touching videos regarding the dogfighting thing. They're really well done but one is fairly graphic so keep that in mind if you view them.
Dead Like Me, The Movie YAYES!!!
Anyone in the DC area during October 24th through November 3rd? Want to get together?
Post office is made of fail. They've lost a Very Important Package and I hate them for it. Fucking idiot bastards.
Have started watching football (soccer), rugby and baseball. IDK what this world has come to. If I start watching american football, someone shoot me and put me out of my misery. Women's World Cup playoffs are awesome, though.
Started working out. Again. This time, maybe I'll stick to it. I know that there are quite a few people on the flist that are doing the same, we should form a support group. *nods* Anyone interested?
fluffy_fangirls seems dead so maybe a new group or do you think the founders would be willing to be invaded?
Had a rant but can't be pantsed to gather up the "care" anymore. Instead, I just changed a few things around and feel better about it. Amazing how much better you feel when you stop banging your head against a wall. Some things are worth fighting for and others simply aren't. Does realizing this mean I'm growing up? I don't wanna!!!!
**Most Important Thing Evah