Fic: HP: First Time (Deamus) (Rish)

Mar 05, 2007 13:01

Title: First Time
Fandom: Harry Potter
Author: wook77
Pairing: Deamus
Rating: R-ish
Wordcount: 790ish
Warnings: awkward sex
Summary: Dean's wanting the next step and Seamus isn't so sure.
A/N: I’d originally written this for two things - kyuuketsukirui's awkward sex challenge and daily_deviant's birthday bonanza but then realized that it didn't have enough sex in it for daily_deviant. Thus, I'm posting it separately. It's kindasorta a continuation of Root So Deep in that I'm seeing the same characterisation of the boys from there to here.

A good beginning is half the work.

They've talked about it for weeks. No, make that months. After they'd come out in front of friends and family alike, things had moved quickly. As Seamus looks around the flat, he grins. There're Dean's shoes, resting one on top of another, by the door while their shaving things lay scattered about in the loo.

They've been fucking for months, Seamus's taking things slowly so he wouldn't scare Dean. He realises that Dean hasn't done this sort of thing before and he's careful but Dean's been wondering. Seamus can't really deny him all that much, he can only make sure that it's really what Dean wants, truly really honestly wants.

Dean thinks he's ready for the next step but Seamus isn't all that sure. He's more than happy to have Dean sinking into him. He prefers it, to be honest. He likes the feeling of fullness and the way Dean's face scrunches up as he's about to come. He likes contorting and feeling his knee touching his ear as Dean pounds into him.

He likes all of it but he loves Dean. It's easy to acquiesce when Dean asks, "Tonight?" because of that love. Dean's easy smile is reward enough. As it'll be their first time like this, Seamus begs a meal from his cook, a special salmon dish the man only makes on certain feasts days. Candles sputter and cast shadows about the room while the fireplace warms the room.

The meal goes off without a hitch. Their conversation, light and flirtatious, adds to the romance of the night. When the meal's done, the conversation slides into silence as they both stand and fumble with their plates. Finally, Seamus tosses them towards the sink and kisses Dean. He wants soft and gentle but it turns hot and needy as Dean starts walking them back towards the bedroom. Seamus can't seem to get enough off Dean's lips nor the feel of the dredlocks in his hands. Dean's hands are busy tugging at fabric, lifting the t-shirt and then gripping Seamus's hips where his denims ride low.

By the time they reach the bedroom, they're naked and Dean falls onto the bed with Seamus in tow. Seamus pauses the kiss long enough to ask, "How do you want to do this?"

"I want to see you," Dean answers while his palm traces Seamus's face. Seamus nods and then lifts one of Dean's legs, kissing the knee. He repeats the gesture for the other, hooking Dean's feet over his shoulders while his hand fumbles for the bottle of lube. Carefully, he inserts a finger before allowing another to slide in when Dean nods. A third joins them and Seamus turns and presses another kiss to Dean's knee.

Taking his time, he presses in. Dean's face is pinched and Seamus knows that this isn't a good idea, hadn't been a good idea back when Dean suggested it but he'd been so adamant. Seamus isn't enjoying this, he isn't enjoying the feeling of Dean surrounding him and he certainly isn't enjoying the obvious pain that Dean's in.

"Let's stop," he suggests and Dean shakes his head before gripping Seamus's arse and pushing him in further. Dean's breathing through his mouth, little panting gasps. When he finally sinks in, balls deep, it's almost too much - too hot, too tight, too close. Dean's eyes are closed; little wrinkles in the corners betray how little he's enjoying this. Then again, Seamus only has to look at the limp cock to realise that.

"It's not working, is it?" Dean says and Seamus nods before realising that Dean can't see him.

"No," Seamus admits and it feels like failure but he's not enjoying himself either.

"Sorry," Dean apologises.

"Nothing to be sorry about, we're just upside down, wrong way out." Seamus's attempt at humour gets a small chuckle and the Seamus is pulling out, hoping that speed would be better than care.

Dean groans and slides his legs off of Seamus. Once the weight of Dean's legs are off of him, Seamus slides to the edge of the bed and sits, head in his hands. Without looking at Seamus, Dean limps into the bathroom and the door shuts. Seamus sees the blood on the sheets and wonders if, possibly, he had taken more care, used a bit more lube, not moved as quickly, anything, that they'd still be fucking instead of quiet and careful with each other. Two steps forward and a mile back and Seamus gives a bitter laugh. Dean comes out and gingerly sits next to Seamus, grabbing one of his hands and entwining their fingers.

"We still alright?" Seamus asks.

"Of course we are. How else would we be?"

As always, I'd love to hear what you think. Concrit welcome.

deamus, hp fic, daily deviant

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