At the gym last night, I wrote about 500 words on the treadmill, of which, I can make out about 150. My handwriting is really shitty normally but add in a treadmill? Fuggetaboutit. I'm still trying to decipher what I wrote.
I get home and sit down to start writing and my iTunes popped up
Sí Do Mhaimeo Í from
Altan. This song had me starting yet ONE MORE PROJECT. The only thing that made me not freak out was that I can tweak this to fulfill one of my outstanding commitments. I've heard from the few people that I showed it to that it's fairly good so I'll take it *grins*.
Altan is, IMNSHO, the best Irish band around. They've a fire to their way of playing that the Cheiftains have lost through the years.
I've uploaded a few songs to whet your appetites and get you out there buying their stuff.
Sí Do Mhaimeo ÍAn Feochán (when the first was no longer enough, I switched to this.)
Dúlamán (This is the song I think of when I think of Altan. It's catchy and Mairéad Ní Mhaonaigh has an amazing voice)
Fernanagh Highland-Donegal Highland-John Doherty's King George IV (a collection of traditional Irish music that gets me stepdancing everytime)
Finally - a letter to God.
Dear God,
Next time you're feeling creative and want to help along evolution, I have an idea.
There are plenty of species out there that you did a brilliant job on. Elephants? Too awesome. Giraffes? Very creative there, kudos. The platypus? I adore it! Cows? ROCK ON GOD! They make the coolest noises!
But I have to say that there is one outdated and unintelligible species and that is men, as in humans with dicks. I'm not going to ask for a massive reinvention by asking for a man that's in touch with his feelings, able to think with his brain in his head and not his head *winkwinknudgenudge* or even one that doesn't feel threatened when a girl does something better than him.
What I'm asking for is a sign put in a prominent spot. It could be neon or that really cool rope lighting. I'd be alright with a Lite Brite sort of signage if you want to go old school.
I really think this would aid in communication. Even more, I think this would decrease the divorce rate and then the bigots wouldn't have to pass defense of marriage crap.
Because honestly? I have no fucking clue (pardon my language but You and I both know that I curse like a sailor and it'd be hypocritical to fake not cursing in a letter to You) what the hell that dude at the gym is doing. Seriously, what the fuck? I mean, he sits there and watches me on the machines and, well, those hip abductor machines are borderline pornographic, aren't they? But then, he chats with me about my workout and what I'm hoping to gain (I know I should have told him I wanted to look good for a Harry Potter Convention but I was too embarrassed, ok? It could be a reunion of friends!). I know that he and his friend discuss me in Spanish as I have that much Spanish. I know that it's complimentary but WHAT THE FUCK, dude? Why the hell do you follow me from machine to machine? I really feel stalked at times and that is sorta flattering but still weird.
I really think a sign would help in this case. Just a cute little sign that says "Yes" or "No" or "SEX" and then I'd know if he was interested or just creepy.
When you have a free moment, I'd love to meet with You on this.
Love Muchly,