Jan 29, 2006 02:58
I just got back from the B-Fest that Jeff hosted at his place today. Let me begin by saying that I had an absolute blast. Here are the movies we watched -
Puppet Master II (Torch is my favorite)
Battlefield Earth (Why the fuck was everything at an angle?)
Superman IV (I hope Kevin Spacey doesn't inherit Gene Hackman's Luthor wardrobe...)
Apocalypse Zero (Quite possibly the worst anime ever.)
Street Fighter (Worst movie ever. You know I'm right.)
Uncle Sam (USA! USA! USA!)
American Psycho 2 (Totally unfair to the first, but Mila Kunis has a cute butt.)
Reefer Madness (A classic. It gave me the munchies.)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (The penultimate. My favorite paper plate was "2 of us have an STD".)
I will say this much - every time, during Street Fighter, that I heard Ryu pronounced as rye-you instead of the accurate ree-you was like a punch in the face. There is no doubt in my mind that that movie killed Raul Julia.
In other news, I had a date with a girl last night. We met at the Music Recyclery in Gurnee Mills last week and seemed to hit it off. The date itself was alright. We went to Cue N You and shot some pool followed by a bite to eat at Steak N Shake. The fact that we went to two places that have just the letter "n" in there names isn't lost on me and is kind of odd. It was alright, overall. Denese and I seem to have little in common, but there's an attraction there of sorts, so we may end up setting up a second date to see where it goes. If it doesn't happen, though, I don't expect to lose any sleep.
Tomorrow, anyone who's interested will be able to find me...well, right here. Asian Film Day is cancelled, so in lieu of doing anything with the normal social groups ('cause I'm totally broke) I'll probably just hang around and try to get some cleaning done while catching up on my webcomics and toning out my MySpace and 1up.com profiles. Yeah, I know. Its a dorky thing to be doing, but it'll also be relaxing (I hope) and I might just make some cool new online friends.
Now that I think about it, I'll probably also use this wonderful (though limited) connection of mine to start doing some research and apllication work at a few of my choice schools. Keep your fingers crossed that A) it goes well for me and B) I actually do it in the first place.
Wow. Past 3am and I'm really not tired. A bit fatigued, maybe. Not tired. Go figure. I guess I'll wrap this up and wander about the interwebnet for a spell before crashing and watching some Sealab 2021 (I'm running through Season 2 again. I miss Murphy so much...).