Peter Pan-nut Butter

Jun 11, 2006 00:13

Well, most of my things are now moved over to Jeff's. I still have all my dishes and a few other domestic items to worry about. Then all that's left is replacing the shelves in the closet and cleaning the whole place up. I have until Thursday, so we should be all gizzy in the hizzy.

Hockey was pretty good tonight. I had a little trouble during the first game, but I really did well during the second which is good because the past few weeks I've played have left me feeling really terrible. Overall I seem to have this horrible underachieving funk going on and I'm hoping that the success of getting out of this apartment will help alleviate that a bit as I get my life back in order and on track.

I've been talking with Lauren a bit about various things. Mostly, there's a slim chance that she and I might go out to Germany together in August (before PAX) which I'm intensely excited about and am willing to go to great lengths to make happen. As it turns out, I really fucking miss Lauren and even if Deutschland falls through I'm hoping to smuggle myself out to the city to see her and the posse out there. Talking with Erin recently and worrying about Heidi all by her lonesome (save for her b/f and roommate) have been taking their toll on me as well. I've lost touch with a lot of people and I'm hoping to right that wrong over the summer - at least a little.

But, I digress. I'm really just ranting. Still, better to get it out now because I'm not sure what my net-access situation is going to be l;ike after moving in with Jeff. At the very least, I know I'll be distracted by the massive amounts of DS play that seem to be inevitable not only due to living with Brain, but also because Rob is getting his Lite soon and Jason, Sara, and Nick are back in town.

Mario Kart DS Tourney? I think so.
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