Nov 02, 2004 21:17
yummy im eating a purogi (nice spelling skilz HA!) its so yummy and i hate bush and i really thought he was going to win but then kerry won california SO YAY! anyways i realized the other day that ive been to every state in the us that starts with a C (cali, connecticut, and colorado! ) WOOOOOO go me i miss the cape soooo bad! if we dont go this year ill cry.... :'( (more than i already have lol! )my pants are really dirty and i have no clean ones and i really dont want to go to school tomorow AND I GOT A NEW PHONE TODAY!!!!!!!!! yay its a flip phone (motorola V180) and it black and it rocks my socks and it coming in 2-5 buissiness days which means it unfortunitly wont be here until mon (most likey) but i think i get to keep my old number so wooooo! plus my phone now is such a piece of shit and i need to start making my christmas list and i really dont want to do my hw and i think im getting sick and i really need to stop eating candy and i really dont want to go to school tomorow and it feels so much later because of the time change and i couldnt stay awake to wantch will and grace last night and my mom is cranky and i want lots of socks! wooo! and i must go watch dharma and greg and shit i have to print off my spanish shit and blah