hello darlin's.
ok, so high school is like really close and i don't know if i'm more excited or more scared. i don't know what's gonna happen once we leave. i mean, this year has been pretty crazy, but i loved every second of it. but it wouldn't have been so awesome if it weren't for my little jewish gangsta jackie =)
so i am devoting this entry to jaclyn michelle adler. my bestest friend ever!
you are oh so cool jackie and i love you! this year has been pretty fucked up, but you know you loved it! we did so much stuff i never thought we would ever do. we met a bunch of new people and got a whole lot closer with people we already knew. although we pretty much ruined our parent's outlook on us, i'm so glad we got in trouble together! we've had our share of fights and crying spells, but it was always so worth it. each fight we got into just brought us strangely closer. from faith's wedding to haunted houses with howard all the way to sneaking out and skipping school you were always there! no matter where we go to high school, whether it's south, western, cooper city, or norway, we will always be best friends! i promise! i love you soooo much jackie!! thanks for always being there for me. i love ya darlin =)
love always,