Mar 01, 2005 22:31
During the few days that Jane was away, I was planning to do some 'hardcore programming'. Needless to say, I've failed miserably and done a grand total of practically nothing. I should have seen this coming; every Monday evening (when Jane is out) I plan to do a load of work, but end up just not being bothered and not being able to concentrate, and consequently doing nothing. I think it's partly because I'm just not in a great frame of mind, partly because it's the evening and partly because I'm not under enough pressure yet, since it's only the start of the week.
In fact, the only time I seem really able to work (on this at least) is in the time that I'm at home while Jane is at college in the daytime; like Wednesday, Thursday etc. I suppose that negates the three potential reasons for my Monday/current failings, so it makes sense, but it kind of sucks. :/ I want to do stuff now, so I'm not under so much pressure later. >_<
Anywayz, other than that, things are alright I guess... I'm missing Jane a lot, but she'll be back tomorrow. ^.^ Uni today was actually quite fun in a way, it was the first time in ages I've had genuinely good fun with the people (well, person) there. Normally it's ok and all, kind of fun, but rarely does it make me properly laugh and stuff. Oh well, good trime for it I suppose, to make sure I don't start feeling too down.
Other than that, my parents came this evening, for an hour or so... my mum was pretty annoying and the whole hour was quite pointless, but nevermind - at least I've got the Bright Eyes tickets now (they had to be delivered to my old home address, so my mom dropped them off tonight).
Urgh, why the hell am I so tired when I want to stay up late? Maybe a chocolate croissant will help. >_> :p