Jan 07, 2005 13:38
Well, the Christmas period is officially over, and we took down our decoration yesterday... :( It's depressing.
The next day of any note is Pancake Day, which is roundabout the February 8th (can't remember the exact date, but I'm sure it's the closest Tuesday to that), then Valentine's Day shortly after. I like 'days of note', probably because I dislike normal days so much, in their basic form (which effectively means "if I was on my own"). So any day which is different to a normal day - in a good way, obviously - automatically gets a strong seal of approval from me. Apparently Valentine's Day is on a Monday this year though, which is pretty stupid... in my opinion, it would be far better if they just kept it on a Saturday. <.< >.> Still, I'm sure it'll be nice anyway, maybe we could go away on the weekend before.
This coming semester is my last ever at university, which is kind of crazy. In a way, I don't like that fact very much, because there are one or two aspects of university I like... take away the education and the students (students, as a rule, annoy me), and you've got a pretty nice area of land; it's quite peaceful, with some nice buildings and grassy areas, and quite a good shop. So I'll miss the actual place, just not what actually goes on there. And also, I am worried about what will come next. But actually, I'm dreading this upcoming semester so much, and hating doing my final year project to such an extent that I will just be glad to get out of there. I think in an ideal world, I would have liked to have stayed in the first year forever... it was easy, and the place seemed a lot more cheerful back then. If there's one thing I would love to invent, it's a kind of time-freezer... not one that literally freezes time, but one that prevents certain things of your choice from changing. For example, I could stay in the first year forever without it causing any problems; or it could remain the Christmas period until Summer. Whatever, really.
Bleh, I'm rambling, and I'm very hungry. <.< >.> Marmite on toast!