Aug 09, 2004 22:56
I've decided to make another journal. I know you all missed me tons 'cause I stopped writing in my greatestjournal. Anyways. Today Christina and I were supposed to see a movie, but when we went to the theatre, nothing was playing at the time we were there. That's what we get for just saying, "We'll see whatevers playing." haha, but that's okay. We decided to go put in applications at Taco Bell. First we went to the Taco Bell on West Main and the lady was like "Oh sorry we're out of applications, but if you go to the other Taco Bell you can get one there and turn it in here." So we went. They didn't have any, so they sent us to ROUND TABLE PIZZA. Wtf. We got applications there, and we told the Taco Bell people over at West Main what happened. They said they would be calling us because we were definetely hired. So that's good. So after we left there, we didn't want to go home, so we just drove around. We stopped to get gas, and Christina tried to pump it but she's retarted so she couldn't. Haha, just kidding Christina. She bought this really gross drink that tasted like medicine. But she likes it so it's all good. It was hella dark and we were like driving around abandoned roads and stuff and we stopped at this huge abandoned (or so we thought) house. It looked hella haunted, lmao. We pulled into the shed and we saw something move inside it and we freaked out. Then a dog like popped out of no where and we hella screamed and drove off. After we got far enough away we went down this dark, dark road and found another abandoned house. No one has lived there for a long time, I knew that much. But there was a light on. Wtf. No one is supposed to be living there so we got hella scared and freaked out. There were hella broken shovels everywhere. They looked like they were planted there to kill. Dun dun dun. Anyways, after we drove around scarying ourselves to death, I dropped Christina off at her house, and now I'm here talking with Sara and Kate. Sabrina just called and asked if I wanted to go to the mall tomorrow. So I have to get up at 11 tomorrrow. Aaagh, that's too early, haha. But I can do it, lol. I'll see if Christina wants to go. Okay that's all, peace dawgs <--ew ghetto, lol.