Woofy Birthday, Lance!!

Feb 11, 2007 10:45

A most super happy and woofy birthday to Matt/kiwi59's and my bestest friend, Lance/lanceleo. Today he hits that magic age when it's time to grow-the-fuck-up. Of course, i have ignored that advice for many years, so what do i know? Stop by and give him a b'day "WOOF"!

We took him and his cohort-in-crime/friend-from-work/really-neat-guy non-LJ Brian out to Pizzeria UNO for a pre-birthday dinner. They had a Valentine's Menu and, since i won't be here for Valentine's Day, Matt and i ordered from it (so you get a free dessert) and we wound up ordering the Pig-on-a-Stick, these little barbequed pork shanks which everyone seemed to like but me. i think it was the sauce. The Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup and Ice Cream for dessert made up for it, though.

Seeing as i'd worked a good chunk of the day (though those of you who saw me online would beg to differ) i was kinda looking forward to going out. We had a Bear meeting at 8, would hang around for a couple hours after that then come on home. When we got back from dinner, we had some time, so we watched the totally wrong, but totally homoerotic, "The Wild World of Spike" which has these three guys trying to recreate goofy sports from around the world that they find on the internet. It was almost time to go when Matt got a call from one of the tenants at his two-family rental, something about water dripping into their apartment from the upstairs apartment. So while he went to go check on that, i introduced Lance and Brian to "Hyperdrive" from BBC America starring the totally woofy Nick Frost who looks even WOOFIER in his Commander's uniform that hangs out over his nice round belly. *drool*

Matt got home just as the show was ending. The girl upstairs had left the water to her steam heat boiler dripping, so it over filled the system and it was dripping water out the over flow on the radiators or some such nonsense. UGH...more money that we don't have, but more on that another time.
After the boys left, we just looked at each other trying to decide what to do with the evening. The meeting was practially over...then we'd be in twilight time between the end of the meeting and when most guys start showing up...y'know, we'd save some money staying home...
"Honey, could you get me a beer on your way back?"
We settled in and watched a little tube. Bed by 11. Snuggling is good.

birthdays, rental, lance, hyperdrive

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