Settling Into Wilmington

Jun 08, 2012 11:58

#photoadayjune - 5 - i looked to the heavens for a #sign and found none. (not too surprising, actually...i don't believe in all that cosmic mumbo-jumbo). we moved to a new office this week and have to park about 1/2-mile away; good exercise, but wait'll the weather turns nasty...

#photoadayjune - 6 - i've become known for my hipster #hat(s) (as well as my #suspenders)

Wednesday and Thursday were spent in conferences at the DuPont Country Club. Not quite as fancy-schmanzy as you might think. Old money...i guess it was happening back in the day. The presentations sure weren't!

Finally, i was able to escape and head to the airport. Traffic was terrible, but by using the Terminal D security, i was able to bypass the zoo at the B/C US Air-dedicated security checkpoints and was through in <10 minutes. i hit the US Air Club, but unlike the other clubs that give you rail cocktails, they only give gratis wine/beer. Red wine is fine with me. i'll live. Of course, once onboard the puddle-jumper, the co-pilots oxygen wouldn't work and then we wound up in traffic trying to take off so all-in-all we were an hour late. i swear, they live down to their nickname "USeless Air" - i've been late/delayed/cancelled more in the four weeks i've been flying them than the previous FOUR YEARS! Useless indeed.

airport, work, wilmington, air travel, cocktails, country club, wine, de, red wine, phl

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