Fun With The Kids

Mar 06, 2012 08:44

We actually got an early start to brunch and thought we'd beat the crowd. We would be wrong.

Afterwards, we went out to Home Depot to pick up this 12'x7' carpet remnant that woudl work well in the basement. Alas, the markdown couldn't be entered into the computer and it wouldn't allow you to just enter the friggin' price. Seemed to take forever, but was only 10 min or so. Still...

In the afternoon, i edited pics from MML and watched "8", the dramatization of the Prop 8 closing arguements. Very compelling with an all-star cast. You should watch it. Here, watch it now with someone you love:

image Click to view

#marchphotoaday - 4 - #bedside - metal medical cabinets are both cool and practical. one of my CPAPs and a heart-shaped lamp (vintage IKEA) glasses and phone on Sunday nights for the alarm. Special guests: Fred & Ethyl who should be sleeping in their own room. But they'd rather go out and play. Can't blame them.

my german gummybear lamp / sangria at Applebee's

Fred has discovered television. At first it was just dogs, but now he'll watch all kinds of stuff. Here he's watching our buddy Lance play "LA Noire". Crazy dog. Can you believe they're almost a year old??

videogames, lamps, bedside, bed, puppies, cpap, gummy bears, sangria, wine, brunch, prop 8, carpet, gay marriage, home improvement, gay rights, pugs, bedroom

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