The week zipped by and work was good. It was my first run back across town to LaGuardia and the landscape up on the north side of Manhattan is quite strange indeed. You wouldn't think of it when you think of Manhattan. The cliffs and viaducts and all were quite stunning looking and in the drizzle and fog it looked really cool. Of course, i was given a big Chevy SUV for the week and trying to manuever that through the construction was crazy, so no pics. Still, it only took my about 30 minutes to get there and with status, security was a breeze. At the SkyClub, i skipped the cookies and just had some carrots, olives and celery sticks. They didn't have Fresca, so i settled for cranberry juice. i made it home and got an upgrade on the flight, so more cocktails and a comfy seat and watched the last episode of "Downton Abbey"'s first season on the wooferPad that i'd broke down and bought on iTunes. Still, i was home by 9:15 local. i like that.
HEY!! i posted this on FB, but will throw it out here too since FB is so easy to get lost in. i seem to have a free day in NYC on Monday. We found out that the client takes MLK Day off, but we'd already booked our tix and it would cost a lot to change them, so i'm still flying in on Monday morning. i'm going to look at the "TimeOut" website, but if anyone knows of any really cool museum exhibits or other "don't miss" things i should check out, please let me know.