Woofy New Year 2012

Jan 03, 2012 04:25

We didn't stay out too late on NYE and were in bed by 1:30 if not earlier. Still, we got off to a lazy start and didn't go see Mikey until 11. It was really crowded and we were at a little two-top and i had my back to the door. As i sipped my mimosa, there got more and more people behind me waiting for a table which was kinda weird. No matter.

We were lazy the rest of the day and then i went out to spend some time with SIR that evening. Monday was just as lazy and we chatted with the Venusians, had lunch and then sent them on their way...to the Antique Mall. LOL! They went home from there. It was a great weekend with them...so low-key and fun to talk to. The weather turned colder...winter is finally on its way.

pugs, puppies, new years, paranoia, nye

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