Better Than Getting Coal In Your Stocking...

Dec 11, 2006 23:01

Saturday night, we had the annual Bear Xmas Club night at JJ's. i found out Friday night at another bear xmas house party that i was going to MC the event! Talk about short notice. Well, never at a shortage for words, it worked out pretty good. We had Grizzly Santa and Slacker Elf sitting for pictures, Bear Whiz punch and a raffle for a Bearz Party Gift Basket and tshirts and raised almost $600 to donate to the Blue Max CC toy drive for Project ARK for kids with AIDS. Oh, and we got a good buzz on, too! Good times all around. i posted the rest of the pics on the JJ's Website in the "Men@Play" section. Check 'em out!

bears, xmas, jjs

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