A Rough Start, A Hard Middle, A Good Finish - Must Be A Thursday

Sep 23, 2011 17:10

Up early, in early, conference calls to India, solving incidents, fighting fires, fight over staffing the project, wrapping a sub-project that has been going on since last November, briefing the guy taking over for me, escape from the office, deal with the passive-agressive douche-nozzles that comprise a large percentage of the Minnesota driving population then arrive at the airport, see the big ass line at the SkyWay checkpoint, bail to the front and breeze through the Crew/Employee Checkpoint. Since i was up at the front, i stopped at the SkyClub. Cocktails, cookies and conversation with Matt and our buddy Lance. The flight was good too, with good folks who were having a good time. The stewardess opened a fresh bottle of red for the guy in the row ahead of me and i wound up bringing the bottle home. It didn't last the evening. Coming home is always special. The Squeaklets made a nest out of my clothes and then looked all innocent when i caught them. Silly puppies. i love them so much.

work, pugs, conference calls, cocktails, puppies, sky club, wine

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