i have a hard time getting the hang of "keyless" cars. When the key has to be in the ignition, you always know where it's at. With this one, you have to access the fob to push the button to get in, but then there is a tendancy to put the fob wherever. i'd looked all over and then realized that i was so tired when i got home late from work that i'd left the damn thing in the car. (Nissan Altima - Stripper Rental Edition)
Things settled down a bit at work. Had some good personnel news so didn't have to deal with bullshit and whining. OK, so i had to deal with some whining. Look, i asked you to do some analysis and you spend more time complaining about doing it then just throwing it together. *sigh* i got to the airport, but the flight was in a weird gate so no SkyClubbing. Since i waited to long to book my flight, i wound up with a center seat back in "steerage" and no chance of an upgrade. Wasn't as bad as it could have been...two women. They stayed to themselves as much as they could. ;-) Still, it's no picnic riding "bitch".