Calling Dr. woofer

Nov 17, 2006 10:04

Got home from Chicagoland last night and am home until after the Thxgiving holiday. i have to work, of course, and am working from home as we speak (can't you tell?) and i will be working from our local office next week, but that's cool too.

This morning, i had to perform surgery on Matt's foot. He has had some kinda splinter thing stuck in there for several weeks and i have hacked at it before. This time i think i finally got it. What was really weird, though, was that after i sliced off the top of the callus with the junk and the puss, this perfectly round hole was underneath. Strange, huh? Anyway, after i cleaned it up with the bubbles (hydrogen peroxide), i packed it and covered it...kiss and make BETTER!!'ll be just fine.

Looking forward to a low-key weekend. Not much to do in terms of side jobs (unless i get a call/email). Matt wants to go see "Horrorfest", a collection of gorey flicks that couldn't get distribution on their own. ("Hmmm...that good, eh?") Hopefully there will be something even marginally socially redeeming playing in one of the other theatres...lots that i haven't seen. The big question: do i choose the film based on whether or not i can make a good movie poster parody of it? Interesting thought...see how weird i am? Oh well. Maybe i can catch up and read all of your entries from the last two weeks. i hope i haven't missed anything good. HUGZ to you all! WOOF!

surgery, feet, matt

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