Ev'ryone's Goin' Ta Dallas

Oct 03, 2006 13:16

In our last episode, we were being the nefarious bad guys molesting the ever-molestable Mr. Incredible who is, truly, incredible. Saturday was a work-day on our little side project which is no longer so little. It's not quite ready for prime-time, so i'm not going to go into it here. We're getting the hang of it, though, and, once we're free of the constraints of our current (and only) client, we'll get to make better stuff. Plus, maybe can afford to get better tools to do it, too. As a matter of fact, we got so busy we didn't even go out Saturday night and, after reading the emails on it Sunday morning, we were working on it up until it was time to leave for the airport and even did a couple phone calls in the car. WHEW!!!

We got to Lambert and i gave Mr. Wonderful (the obviously wonderful kiwi59, not to be confused with the not-so-wonderful Mr. Incredible) a big old hug and kiss right there in the middle of the white zone in front of the main terminal under a bright fall sun. Brazen, yes, but joke 'em if they can't take a fuck. Check-in was smooth (44.9 lb) and boarding was easy. The flight to Dallas was smooth and went faster than expected. It was scheduled for 90 minutes, and i headed for the bathroom to put my ring back on and touch up my noggin before landing. No sooner did i crank up the razor then the announcement to prepare for landing came over the intercom. You can even see the little light-up "get-yer-ass-back-to-yer-seat" graphic under the mirror in the picture above. i made my way back to my seat for the slide down in to Dallas Love Field.

OK, so tell me. Is EVERYONE who lives in/flys to Dallas a complete asshole??? In the above picture of the baggage claim, notice the old man in the green jacket (who, quite coincidentally, was my row-mate on the flight). i was standing at the corner of the baggage return belt approximately 2 feet from the band. No fewer than five (COUNT 'EM! FIVE!) fuck-tards decided that they couldn't be bothered to go around me, but barged their way between me and the belt (one guy practically knocking me down!) to get to the inside of the U. i finally had to say "What the fuck, people?" i got my revenge when my bag came out and i loudly said, "See? i STILL got my bag before you, dipshit!!"

Going out to the taxi stand, i was greeted with the cute, cool and woofy sight of a husky bullgoon directing traffic on a Segway. i knew bullneck would never forgive me if i didn't get a few shots of him, so these are for you, man!

i made it to the Marriott and ensconsed myself in room 719 to await the arrival of this really hot Leather SIR who wanted to inspect the boy and put him to good use.

Monday morning, i made my way to the other side of the man-made lake (more on this later) to the BACC offices to start my training. True, there's a lot to learn (the training binder is three inches thick!!), but this is fun, techy stuff and i used to pass the SAP HQ building in Walldorf, Germany, all the time on my way to the IKEA just down the road. If this works out right and my next role turns out to put this to use...y,know...there just might be a hope that i'll finally be happy with my job. i know, i know: "don't get yer hopes up." But hell, what if? wouldn't that be sumpin'??

Monday evening, i got to meet up with bearpawly who drove an hour to see me. When we met, we just started talking about this, that and everything. It was like we were long, lost brothers...such is the power of the LJ community.

work, dallas, los colinas, hotel, airlines

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