The Lights Go Up On Miami

Nov 22, 2010 04:56

i had to work a good part of the morning. Took longer than expected - doesn't it always? - but worked out good in the end. It was warm today and we're having the bear club holiday party in two weeks, so we put up the lights. Don't be hatin', it'll be cold and wet by the end of the week.

Matt needs to replace his Mercedes and has always had a soft-spot for old Lincoln Continentals. Something about tricking in the apartment-sized backseat, i believe... We looked for nightstands at Target, but we didn't like what they had in this pressed wood crap. So we went to T.F.A. - "The Future Antiques" and found this cool metal mini-cabinet...they'll have the matching one in next weekend. Oh, and it was the same price as the pressed-wood crap! Then on a whim we went and saw one of the 16 showings of Harry Potter at the Ronnies. Full, but not packed and everyone was well-behaved. i haven't read the books, so had no expectations going in. i totally enjoyed it, but it's really nothing without the second part.

work, movies, bed, xmas lights, furniture, lincoln, films

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