Back in St Charles

Nov 02, 2010 07:47

Sunday while everyone was out trick'r'treating, i was driving up to St Charles, IL, about an hour and a half west of Chicago. It's kinda out in the sticks or the western 'burbs, but it's a nice setting. i have Manager School to go with the promotion i got back in the spring. i've been here 3 times before for BACC training, so pretty much know the deal. Lots of food, that's for sure.

We jumped right in and had role-playing exercises. We got to HAD to watch a video of our "performance" afterwards for critique. i got critiqued to death, though i had a couple saves after my partner on the exercise started making promises we couldn't keep. Oy!

The day ran into the evening, but that couldn't keep me from Karaoke Night at the pub. i did a couple of my regular tunes, but added the Butthole Surfer's "Pepper" ("...they were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas...") for the world series. i got to talk to Matt on the way home...his team beat the JJ's team at bowling! Go Matt!!

work, hot dogs, training, hoodie, bacc, karaoke

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