Geez, what a day. i was running from 7:30 until 4:45 on nothing but two Diet Pepsi's and a giant hazelnut mocha. i had a banana and a Snickers bar, but never got a chance to eat them. But all that running led to the resolution to the issues we've been having, so in the end it was worth it. When i finally got to the airport as i pulled into the Hertz garage, i realized that i had gotten so wrapped up in work that i forgot to take my CPAP and my toiletries bag into the office so i had to check luggage. *ugh* Plus, i didn't get an upgrade this week, so i had to sit back in steerage. The part that pissed me off the most is that once again, Delta switched gates on me and i wound up having to run halfway across the airport. Just another day.