Running Late For Being Early

Jul 02, 2010 08:51

We actually went out for lunch and i got some ColdStone on the way back. It didn't travel the best, but was still good. Of course, i started dozing off in the afternoon while i was lazily creating a work instruction. boorrrrringggg. Then, out of the blue, my phone rings from some 800 number. i missed the call, so i called it back. It was Delta's voice mail and it was so confused that it patched me right through to an operator. At the same time i was logging onto the website. my damn flight for 7:40 (that i'd barely checked in for) was delayed for two hours. Damn, i wouldn't be home until midnight!! "Can you get me on the 5:15?" She could. SOLD!! By now it was almost 3:45, so as soon as she said yes, i said, "i have to hang up now" and started pulling plugs and stuffing laptops and heading to the exits.

Of course, i had to get through security, but they tagged my bag to check. And i got Gramps - this old guy that works at the far end security gate - and it took him for-EV-er.
Clearing that, i had to run down one concourse and up the other and got to the gate 5 minutes before boarding. But the gate agent had an upgrade for me and i got onboard. i was sweating like the pig that i was. Fortunately, they put out little bottles of Dasani on the first class arm rests. Later, a Vodka and Fresca. And i landed at like 6:30...unheard of. As i walked through the baggage claim area towards the taxis, i passed a formation of new recruits getting ready to head off to Ft Leonard Wood for Basic Training. That was me in 1979. Well, i was going to Ft McClellan and the airport was that new Atlanta-Hartsfield, but it was off to Military Police School, so still the same.

airport, airline, air travel, travel, flight delays, basic training

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