Well, Since You Asked...

Apr 13, 2010 05:56

We filled out our census form this past weekend. And, since you asked, yes i DO consider myself Matthew's husbear. It'll be 9 years this summer, longer than a lot of "real" marriages and our stuff is so intertwined it's not even funny. We had even thought about taking a trip and going and getting married in every state (and District!) where it's legal and then stopping by our Senator's office (Claire McCaskill, O's biggest supporter, but no real friend of those of us afflicted with "teh geh") and ask her why she hates us and why she's imposing her religion on us. Bitch! Maybe we WILL do that. i might have some time off this fall. Maybe i should save up. If you live in a progressive state, let me know what the rules are for out-of-state marriages*. Let's get out a map. Let's kiss in public. Let's say "i do". Let's marry.**

*any legal types even know if this is even legal?
**with apologies to Mini's ad department

gay marriage, marriage, census

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