An insanely busy day yesterday. It started at 7 and didn't let up until i left for the airport at 4:30. i came home a day early since i have a colonoscopy on Friday (it's all the rage for those of us of a certain age) and with the prep work today i shouldn't be traveling.
Robert picked me up at the airport and took me to JJ's where Matt was going to meet us after his new yoga-for-bears class. He's doing good and hasn't had a single cigarette since last week. As a matter of fact, He brought the rest of His last carton into the bar to give away. i'm very proud of Him for doing this and will be as supportive as i can.
Someone i'm even more proud of is my wonderful husband, Matt/
kiwi59. If you want to know just how wonderful he is, read his most recent post
here. i don't deserve him. But i'll never let him go. This is just one reason why.
i think the weirdest thing during the whole episode was that i knew Robert would be OK. i don't think i worried at all. Maybe i just denied that it would be possible that anything bad would happen. Very polyannaish of me. Self-preservation? Just trying to put on a brave face? i don't know. i'm just glad i was right.