OK, so it's beautiful and the art direction is amazing and the 3D really gets you. But the story is so friggin' stupid. Evil corporation hires blood-thirsty ex-Marines spouting every cliche'd line you've ever heard a million times before. The indiginous people are a cross between Native Americans and African tribalism and they're so stereotypical as to be insulting. There are absolutely no surprises to this movie and if you can't figure out the ending with an hour and a half left to go, you must be 12 years old. That being said, the spectacle is really something and the 3D really pulls you in. They say Cameron came up with this when he was 15 and that would be back in the '70s and it's obvious he got his inspiration from album cover art painted by Roger Dean. The red dragon? Uriah Heep's "Magician's Birthday". The floating mountains? Yes' "Tales From Topagraphic Oceans". So, anyway, thanks for the technology. Now let's give it to someone who can do something with it. This is the TRON of the new millenium. Beautiful garbage. \soapbox.
When we got home, it was time to face the mountain of junk mail and stuff that has built up over the last couple of months. Seriously...some of this stuff has been sitting around that long. When i come home, i just have too much stuff to do that i don't want to deal with it. Sure, i'll look at the important things. A lot i set aside to deal with "later', though later never comes. Plus a lot has personal info or credit offers that i need to shred. Well, today was the day and it took an hour or so while Matt played L4D, but it's done. For now.