"You're Really Not Enthused About This, Are You?"

Nov 29, 2009 18:18

Matt took me to Lowe's yesterday to look at some new lights for the tree. We've got a nice fake plastic tree (nods to R'head) and the mini-lights we have/had on it are faded and going. Matt would like C9's and honestly, so would i. But incandescents would melt the tree and burn down the house and that would kinda ruin things. So that means LEDs. i'm not too thrilled with them as they are such a "cold" light. We got some anyway. i'm sure once we get the other stuff on the tree, it'll be fine. We went to the grocery store afterwards and as we worked the produce section, something cool came on the muzak. We shook our butts. i love Matt. Don't you?

Life. Death. Rebirth. All in one geranium plant on an unusually warm November weekend.

xmas lights, hardware, lowes, indian summer

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